The usual informal in – crowd, but how quickly it can be painted in brown color ideas of National Socialism … From jokes about the blacks to the real murder – one step. This film is about responsibility for your choice. When you’re young, you can easily hang on yourself any label. There is no difference for you to be called fascist or anti-fascist, the most important thing is to look cool in front of your friends. But the price for the wrong choice is real.
«Fascism is lies told by bullies»
Ernest Hemingway
Production: Russia, 2016
Duration: 90 min.
Directed by: Alexei Kitaitsev
Cast: Ilya Antonenko, Matvei Zubalevich, Kristina Asmus, Rostislav Bershauer, Daniel Vakhrushev, Alexei Samolyotov, Yegor Kharlamov, Veronika Vernadskaya
Content type: Films